Taking screenshots is second nature these days, but what if you could actually search through them later? Google’s got your back with the upcoming Pixel 9 and its innovative “Pixel Screenshots” feature.

While it might sound similar to Microsoft’s “Recall” feature, Pixel Screenshots takes a different approach, focusing on user privacy. Instead of continuously capturing everything on your screen, Pixel Screenshots only analyzes the screenshots you manually take. This gives you more control over what information gets stored and searchable.

But that’s not all. Pixel Screenshots utilizes on-device AI to become an extension of your memory. Let’s say you screenshot a restaurant recommendation you found online. Weeks later, when you’re craving that specific cuisine, you can simply search your screenshots for “Italian restaurant recommendation” and Pixel Screenshots will instantly surface the relevant screenshot.

Imagine the possibilities! Need to revisit a specific product detail you saw on a website? Pixel Screenshots can help. Snagged a funny meme you want to share with a friend later? Pixel Screenshots has you covered.

This innovative feature seems like a game-changer for Pixel users, making screenshots more than just static images. It adds a layer of searchability and functionality, transforming them into mini archives you can easily explore.